Mixed Media Art

Are you inspired by the arts? Do you enjoy learning about different techniques, mediums and artists? Hone your skills as an artist and get hands-on experience creating mixed media compositions as you connect with the arts at Duke!

Collaborate with artistically-minded peers and explore Duke’s Nasher Museum of Art and the Craven Art Gallery. Discover a variety of artistic materials, their properties and characteristics. Juxtapose various elements and fragments to create your own visually compelling compositions. Learn about color theory, elements of art and design, and painting and sculpture techniques. Develop your technical skills and awareness of aesthetic and conceptual choices related to a 21st-century understanding of mixed media art.

Projects include live portrait drawings, peer critiques and feedback, and learning how to communicate your artistic vision with others. The course will culminate in a live art show where you will showcase your final portfolio of work for program participants! 


How to Apply

Duke Pre-College uses a 2-step enrollment process: 

  1. First, students apply to the Pre-College program, indicating their course(s) of interest. 
  2. After they receive notification of their acceptance into Duke Pre-College, they enroll in the course(s) indicated in their Pre-College Application. 

Learn more on our How to Apply page.